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Allocation Type:

2020 First Standard Allocation






Background and Rationale for The Project

Maintaining the scaling up of the emergency humanitarian response in Health and Nutrition in the Kembe - Satema Health District in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was the main objective of this project which aimed to improve access to basic and emergency health care for the most vulnerable people in priority areas, as well as to strengthen the supply of mental health, psychosocial and reproductive health support, and nutrition to screen and manage malnutrition in FOSAs and mobile clinics in remote villages for children under 5 years of age, actively search for cases of malnutrition, referencing and promotion of Infant and young child feeding practices (ANJE) in Kembe and Satema sub-prefectures, Lower Kotto prefecture.
It covered urgent humanitarian health and nutrition needs in 14 FOSAs in the Kembe Health District - including Satema CS Satema, CS Libanga, PS Guilo, PS Bangourou, PS Limassa, PS AtaKoua-Koua, PS Mossombo, CS Yangbassi, Kembe Hospital, PS Ndikassi, PS Dimbi, PS Doungoaure, PS Voula, and PS Gboulovou - and responded in an integrated and multisectoral manner with other sector interventions and directly supported life-saving humanitarian actions online with the Humanitarian Needs Overview - CAR (HNO) for 2020.

Key Achievements and Lessons Learned

COHEB through this project was able to:
- strengthen screening, referencing and care activities for children 0-5 years old and FEFA,
- ensure the prevention of malnutrition including ANJE activities, deworming and vitamin A supplementation.
- stepping up preventive measures through awareness raising messages on basic hygiene rules in households, health centers, mobile clinic sites and providing preventive food supplements to children and FAFEs,
- Train and reinvigorate the RECO network with key prevention messages in the context of COVID19, ensure regular availability of essential nutritional inputs and medicines in nutritional units and
-train moms to detect and monitor the nutritional status of children using the brachial perimeter. Thus, in fixed and mobile strategy:
1310 children with AMS were affected in the UNTA and UNTA 2120 children with AMS
2517 FEFA screened
617 FEFA suffering from malnutrition to be supported by WFP
50 PB-mothers (model mothers) to be trained for the training of mothers with PB
35,000 people were received for curative consultations for malaria, diarrhea and acute respiratory infections.
1034 FEFA in CPN/CPoN,
45,000 people were affected by the awareness
9,300 children under 5 years of age were screened for malnutrition
3430 children aged 6-59 months supplemented with Vitamin A and deparasited
80% of pregnant women seen and followed for antenatal visits 1 to 3 and at least 60% assisted by qualified personnel during delivery,
60% of cases of GBV received psychosocial counseling,
12273 people sensitized on the psychopathological manifestations of mental disorders and associated specific pathologies and mhGAP diseases

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