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Community project to create temporary jobs for young people in Mobaye


March - December 2021

Project Background

For several decades, the context of the sub-prefecture of Mobaye has been marked by recurrent political and security crises that have greatly weakened the institutions and hindered the economic and social development of the locality. These crises culminated in the emergence of the Seleka rebellion in 2012 and the clashes with the Anti-Balaka militia and community self-defense groups that followed and led Mobaye into an unprecedented spiral of intercommunal violence. In addition to the disastrous human consequences (killings, rape, mass displacement of populations...), it has resulted in the collapse of the Administration, with targeted attacks on public buildings and equipment and a mass departure of officials and state agents from the sub-prefecture.


Despite the efforts undertaken in recent years for the stabilization and socio-economic recovery of the country, notably through the implementation of the RCPCA and the national strategy for the restoration of State authority, the challenges remain. On the security front, more than 60% of the territory is still occupied by armed groups, with all the consequences in terms of constraints on the redeployment of the administration and the revival of economic and social development.
Thus, with all the economic potential of Mobaye, this sub-prefecture is in the “Low” category, reflecting the low development of basic social services and the extreme precariousness of the living conditions of the population.

Praesent vestibulum, mauris varius euismo.

Mobaye City Council Buidling

Mbelima City Council Building

In Mobaye, almost all the administrative infrastructure, including the prefecture and the premises of the internal security services (police and gendarmerie), are to be rehabilitated or rebuilt.
In this context, in September 2019, with financial support from the PBF, UNDP and FAO launched a joint project to support local governance and equitable access to the peace dividend in the Basse-Kotto and Haut-Mbomou prefectures. The main objectives of the project are:
(i) support the momentum of redeployment of the administration and capacity building of decentralized and decentralized structures of the administration with a view to better delivery of basic public services;
(ii) mobilize all local actors around a shared vision of local governance, supported by the development and implementation of coherent and realistic local development plans through a participatory and inclusive approach; and
(iii) as dividends of peace and stability, to improve the conditions of the population in a lasting way by reviving productive activities, particularly in the agriculture and livestock sectors.

In line with the commitments made under the joint UNDP/PBF project, the intervention priorities have been focused on the rehabilitation and equipping of administrative buildings. To this end, after consultations with the local administrative authorities, it was agreed in the context of the implementation of this project, and on the basis of the experience of collaboration in the implementation of the joint project - young people, UNDP decided to conclude a partnership agreement with the NGO COHEB for the construction and equipping of some administrative buildings for the benefit of decentralized services and local authorities.

Some achievements

Prefecture of Basse-Kotto

Social affairs building

- Covid-19 Awareness Caravan Organization,
- Rehabilitation and equipment of office furniture the building of the Basse-Kotto prefecture, o Rehabilitation and equipment of office furniture the building of the Social Affairs Service of Mobaye, which has about ten rooms and can accommodate several prefectural services of the Basse-Kotto,
- Refreshment of internal painting and office furniture equipment in the building of the marie de Mobaye,
- Rehabilitation and equipping of the Mbelima City Hall with office furniture,
- Construction and equipping of incubation centers in sewing, computer, carpentry, welding,
- Distribution of 150 young beneficiaries of temporary employment (THIMO) into 24 groups.

Main challenges and constraints:

The transport of materials, which is only possible by river during low water periods, has more or less delayed the implementation of activities. In addition, between the end of December 2020 and January 2021, insecurity related to the threat of CPCs during the electoral period led to the temporary suspension of activities.

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