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January - July 2023

Emergency Humanitarian Health and Nutrition Assistance and Protection Monitoring Project for Host, Displaced and Returnee Populations affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in the Kembé Sub-Prefecture

Activity Summary


Basse-Kotto prefecture, in the Kembé-Satéma health district, Kembé sub-prefecture. The health facilities supported were: the HD of Kembé, the CS of Dimbi, the CS of Cafe-Bangui, the CS of Ndikassi, the CS of Limassa, the PS of Bangouro and the PS of Guilo.


In its policy of targeted free services, the project has taken into account children under 5, pregnant and breast-feeding women, as well as surgical emergencies.


The Basse-kotto prefecture still remains under the sway of non-state armed groups since the years 2017-2020. The Kembé sub-prefecture remains a nest of resistance and has seen a rebound in violence in 2019. It is one of the pockets of resistance where attacks between armed groups (AGs) and government forces remain frequent. The most recent violent attack took place on 3 July 2022, when several people were driven from their villages into the bush.
In August 2022, the Population Movement Commission (CMP) reported that more than 2,360 people had been displaced in the S/prefecture. The security situation remained complex, making the humanitarian situation more fragile. In terms of nutrition and health, the sub- prefecture is ranked at level 4 on the IPC. This prompted the launch of this allocation to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations.



To provide an emergency humanitarian health and nutrition response in host and returnee communities affected by the crisis, using a fixed and mobile strategy in 6 health facilities, and Provide access to basic healthcare, quality nutritional care and access to protection monitoring by setting up a community-based protection system.

19-month-old female infant received for SAM with medical complication and treated in the NICU at Kembe district hospital for 8 days
Same infant, cured in UNT and transferred to UNTA after weight gain and positive appetite test. Synopsis of Activities 2023

--> In nutrition, strengthen screening, referral, treatment and prevention of malnutrition through activities implemented at community level and in health facilities targeting children under 5 and breastfeeding women/pregnant women.
--> Contribute to reducing infant and maternal mortality and morbidity linked to malnutrition.
--> In health, improve the provision of curative, mental health and emergency reproductive health care in target communities.
--> Intensify de-worming and vitamin A supplementation for children aged between 6 and 59 months, Strengthen routine vaccination in targeted health facilities.

Results of The Program

--> 6,268 persons accessed curative and promotional cares in the various health centers covered by the project
--> 750 affected persons received mental health care and psychological support.
--> 80% of malnutrition cases treated amongst the admitted children
--> 2 nutritional units which were closed as a result of the crisis have reopened.
--> 2026 pregnant and breastfeeding women have benefited from the reproductive health care and advice on good practice.
--> 64 mobile clinics have been set up to help people who live a long way from health facilities


--> In terms of relevance, the project has helped to capitalize on the referral of malnourished children from their community to the health centers through the PB-family (taking of the mother's brachial perimeter by her parent/carer), which has remained an asset in the community.
--> To ensure the project's long-term viability, COHEB provided the various supported health structures with a three-month supply of medicines, in order to make the transition to the recovery of medicines in these facilities. The aim being to cover all the district's health facilities in the next few years.

Operational Challenges

--> Poor road conditions, especially during the rainy season;
--> Precarious security situation.
--> Fuel shortages, which have had an impact on certain activities in the area

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