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Tag 2019

14 Mar

Emergency Nutrition and Health Support Project for Host, Displaced and Returnee Communities Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis and/or at Risk from The COVID-19 Pandemic

Raising awareness of Covid-19 in the Dimbi health area and providing people with hand-washing kits Dimbi Health Centre, July 2020 COHEB-CAR


10 Feb

Emergency nutritional care for children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in the Bambari Health District, Ippy Sub-Prefecture

This project aims to provide an emergency nutrition response in 9 localities in the Bambari Health District (Bambari and Ippy sub- prefectures)


29 Nov

Emergency Nutritional Assistance for Conflict-Afflicted Populations in the Bambari health District

Nutritional surveys based on the SMART methodology in 2019 revealed a worrying nutritional situation in the Ouaka Prefecture, with a Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate estimated at 13.2%.